I’m constantly amazed how little attention companies pay to their customer database……
I’m constantly amazed how little attention companies pay to their customer database……
It’s not just the temperature of the water or oil that is important in mould temperature control, the rate of flow through all parts of the tool is as critical. PlastikCity partner Tool-Temp explains why,
Good advice and long term support is the key. After nearly 30 years in the plastics industry I have seen many suppliers of ancillaries come and go, many shouting from the rooftops how good and technically advanced the equipment is at a claimed low cost of investment and energy……..
Thank you China! You made us better, more efficient, improved lead-times, enabled us to make profit from poor quality tools and now it’s less competitive for the Far East to win more business – overseas competition was a good thing!
On behalf of PlastikCity, Plastribution’s Mike Boswell sheds some light on the recent material price falls within the industry…keep calm & carry on?
I’ve never known a time when sub contractors are in such huge demand. The manufacturing industry is hastily training new recruits and although slowly making progress, it has a lot of catching up to do.
Have the true entrepreneurs gone? Have we forgot how to make money? Are we scared to put prices up for risk of losing business?
I recall, as young plastic machinery sales engineer in the 80’s, how manufacturing was a pretty unpopular word amongst my friends. I also recall how government grants were often abused by companies, ordering equipment, then running off with the money, or asking suppliers to inflate invoices then keeping the uplift.