Serving the UK & IE plastics industry

Tag: material testing

Grey Scale Testing

Colour fastness is a material’s resistance to colour fading when exposed to the environment. In order to ensure the quality of a material, you have to test the material against real-life conditions in which it is likely to face during its expected service life.

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ASTM D638 Tensile Testing of Plastics

Impact Solutions, through our laboratory, have extensive capabilities and experience in plastic testing. Our facility houses a mix of state of the art plastic testing equipment and bespoke designed plastic testing rigs allowing us to undertake a wide range of different test techniques on plastics. This includes ASTM D638 (technically equivalent to ISO 527 -1) is a testing standard which ascertains the tensile properties of a plastic material. 

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Impact Testing

An impact test is used to measure toughness, capacity to resist the energy of shock loading or a dynamic impact of a product.  Samples inspected under this test method are then checked for signs of deformation, fracturing and ruptures.

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