A question we often get asked is “how does BOSS alter the Melt flow index (MFI) of recycled plastics?”. As tempted as we are to say its magic, that takes place inside our ‘patented shoogling box’, it isn’t.
A question we often get asked is “how does BOSS alter the Melt flow index (MFI) of recycled plastics?”. As tempted as we are to say its magic, that takes place inside our ‘patented shoogling box’, it isn’t.
For those close to the coal face, the question on the lips of many in the plastic recycling and waste sectors is whether we are facing a Domesday scenario for exports of UK plastic packaging waste which have, over the past decade, increasingly underpinned the UK’s ability to meet EU recycling targets.
The environmental impact of poorly managing plastic waste has been in the headlines since the BBC’s Blue Planet II series was aired at the end of 2017. In January, Theresa May pledged to eliminate the UK’s plastic waste by 2042. Less than a week later and the EU ‘declared war on plastic waste’, announcing the intention to ensure that every piece of packaging on the continent is reusable or recyclable by 2030.
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Last week’s Feast of Saint Valentine is past. The celebration of romance may have turned our minds towards relationships and light-hearted fun. In the commercial arena, however, the political climate surrounding our industry is toxic. Why then should anyone love plastic?
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Since 1950, it is estimated that 8.3 million metric tonnes of virgin plastics have been produced. Of this, 6.3 million metric tonnes has become waste, with 9% being recycled and 12% incinerated. This leaves 79% that is accumulated in landfills or the natural environment.
In 2017, the AI Business Excellence Awards announced EA Recycling as the Most Innovative Waste Recycling Company. Alex Hall, Managing Director, shares his thoughts about the changing face of the recycling industry and the future trends.
A bit like not wearing a seat belt, most of us now feel uncomfortable about not recycling our household waste. Recycling can however be more than a way to appease your guilt as a major consumer (around a tonne of Carbon Dioxide production is saved for every tonne of re-processed material used instead of virgin), it can now also make good business sense.