

Serving the UK & IE plastics industry

Used Engel Injection Moulding Machines For Sale

Used Injection Moulding Machine Information

Machine manufacturer Engel
Machine model Victory 330/90 Tech
Year of manufacture 2006
Clamping force 90T
Distance between tie bars (L x H) mm
Shot weight (PS) 148 grams
Condition In full working condition
Machine status Can be viewed running
Geographical location England
Price Price on application
Full product description

Now fully refurbished and in our stock in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire is this tie-bar-less Engel Victory 330/90 Tech injection moulding machine. Fitted with a 35mm plasticising unit which gives a maximum shot weight of 134 (PS) (g). This is a high-specification machine with double core pull, CC100 controller, single pneumatic core pull and 8 zone hot runner controller built in. It comes complete with system disks to suit the machine. The unique design of these machines allows for large tools to be installed with ease and often much larger than could go in comparable 90T machines with tie-bars. A very versatile machine with proven technology and good support from the people at Engel UK.

This machine is now holding maximum lock, has no detectable wear in the plasticising unit and is cosmetically excellent. You can find out more about the work we’ve done for this specific machine by getting in touch or visiting to look over it in person.

Refurbished machines from STV Machinery undergo a comprehensive test procedure during which every function of the machine is tested and if necessary repaired. A production run of at least 5000 fault-free cycles prior to sign-off ensures trouble-free operation once delivered. Machines are ultra clean and cosmetically as good as we can get them. We guarantee our refurbs are delivered fault free and leak-free.

Prices shown are ex-works, but we can quickly provide DAP (Delivered at Place) Incoterm pricing on request.  We can take out the hassle and additional costs of purchasing machinery within the UK and EU.  Contact us with a potential delivery address and we'll do the rest.

Reference number 23328


  • Used Engel Victory 330/90 Tech injection moulding machine
  • Used Engel Victory 330/90 Tech injection moulding machine
  • Used Engel Victory 330/90 Tech injection moulding machine
  • Used Engel Victory 330/90 Tech injection moulding machine
  • Used Engel Victory 330/90 Tech injection moulding machine


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